Public Notice
Public Letter re: Ute Park Closure
June 18, 2024
The Pine River Irrigation District (PRID) needs your help. As of May 21, 2024, the MUL (Ute)Park has been closed due to repeat occurrences of vandalism. On behalf of the US Bureau of Reclamation, PRID is responsible for the ongoing caretaking/management, of the park. On three recent occasions, pine trees have been cut and removed from the Park for firewood and/or other personal reasons. Evidence indicates that some of these trees were bearing green pine needles when they were felled. There are trees in the Park that have cultural significance to our Native American friends and neighbors dating back for generations. Removal of these trees, and any of the other trees in the Park is illegal, regardless of whether they are standing dead or alive.
We at PRID believe that the vast majority of the local residents, tourists, and area visitors care deeply about protecting the unique beauty that we have been so abundantly blessed with and enjoy beyond description. We decided to close the Park in an effort to preserve evidence that would lead to the apprehension of the thoughtless individual (s) who violated and jeopardized our beautiful natural resources and unique cultural significance for personal gain.
If you have any information that would assist in finding the responsible individual (s), Please help us preserve and protect the beauty and significance of our natural resources by contacting PRID at 970-884-2558, or calling Ken Beck, PRID Superintendent at 970-903-6051. Thanks for your time! Thanks for caring!
PRID Quartely Board Meeting
July 2, 2024 at 5 PM
La Plata Archuleta Water District
255 Ute Street, Ignacio, CO