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Recreation User Permits

Purchasing Recreation Permits on the PRID Website -

1) Day Use Permit - Use the receipt from your online purchase as your permit.  Before you leave your vehicle for your recreation activity, place the receipt on the driver-side dash board.  

2) Annual Permit - Your annual permit will be mailed to you.  After you purchase the permit, place your online receipt on the driver-side dashboard of your vehicle until the hang up permit arrives.   

3) Recreation pass requirements for a tour bus, van or fishing or other guiding services, or other commercial uses, is one pass for each person regardless of family relationships.  This requirement is identical with those state requirements if you have come to Colorado to hunt or fish, etc.  One pass per person participating in the recreation activity. 

4) Recreation pass requirements for a club or school activity bus, van, car, etc.,  will be $6 per car, $12 per van and $18 per bus load.  

Thanks, PRID